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Ai Properties

The Ai type exposes the following members.

Protected propertyAiStateObject
Ai developer's object to save data between rounds.
Protected propertyCurrentHandState
Returns the CurrentHandState object, with various methods/properties with information about the current hand.
Protected propertyHandValue

Returns Cactus Kev's number, which represents the strength of the hand. 1 is the best possible 5 card hand (Royal Flush), 7462 the worst (High Card 7). Before the flop this value = -1

HandValue 6186 - 7462: High Card hands

HandValue 3326 - 6185: One pair hands

HandValue 2468 - 3325: Two pairs hands

HandValue 1610 - 2467: Three of a kind hands

HandValue 1600 - 1609: Straight hands

HandValue 323 - 1599: Flush hands

HandValue 167 - 322: Full House hands

HandValue 11 - 166: Four of a Kind (Poker) hands

HandValue 2 - 10: Straight Flush hands

HandValue = 1: Royal Flush

HandValue -1: Not a 5 card hand (preflop)

Protected propertyHoleRank
Returns the number of the "value" of your pocketcards, where 0 is the best and 168 is the worst possible.
Public propertyName
Override this property to give your AI a name.
Protected propertyOverruleAllowed
Gets Or sets a value, indicating whether PotBot may overrule decisions from AIs of which he thinks they aren't good. Right now there is only one rule implemented, in which a FOLD is overruled to CHECK if possible.
Protected propertyPlayersManager
Returns the Playersmanager object, with various methods/properties.
Protected propertyPocketcard
Returns the pocketcard you specify, that you got dealt.
Protected propertyPotsManager
Returns the PotsManager object, with various methods/properties.
See Also