PlayersManager Methods |
The PlayersManager type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
![]() | AnyBodyRaisedPreFlop |
Determines if any player raised preflop excpet the player given in param
![]() | GetAllInPlayersUnits | This method runs through every player that is all in and adds a value (allin-value) between 0 exl. and 1 incl. to the result. E.g.: If a player had 100 to call and went all in with his remaining stack of 10 the value for this player would be 0.1. If a player had 100 to call and went all in with his remaining stack of 50 the value for this player would be 0.5. If a player had 100 to call and went all in with his remaining stack of 100 the value for this player would be 1. The idea behind this method is to be able to better guess the number of opponents your are up against. If you just consider GetNumberOfPlayers you will not get the players who are all in. If you add NrPlayersWhoAreAllIn you have the correct numbre of opponents, BUT since it is easier for someone to call if he has only little stack left, this method helps to better guess the strength of the players who are all in. |
![]() | GetNrCalledAndGotRaised |
Returns the number of players (expcept the inActualPlayer-player) that called and got raised again in current stage (and in current hand of course)
![]() | GetNrLimpersAndBlindPlayers |
Returns the number of limpers (=players who just called the blind bet) and/or blindplayers
![]() | GetNrPlayersCalledLastRaise |
Returns the number of players (expcept the current player) that called the last raise in current stage (and in current hand of course)
![]() | GetNrPlayersLastMoveRaise |
Retunrs the number of players (expcept the inCurrentPlayer player) whose last move in current stage (and in current hand of course) was a raise or reraise
![]() | GetPositionPreFlop |
Returns the relative position to the button of a player beginning with 1 after biglind-player (BB-player) in preflop stage.
![]() | WhoCalledExceptMe |
Returns the player who called except the inMe-player (usually yourself)